Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dwarves - Blood, Guts and Pussy

This past Sunday during the Super Bowl, we were treated to Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley in the huckstering trade yet again, this time strapping on the duds and kabuki for Cherry Dr. Pepper. Annoying enough, yet it was the "Little Kiss" gag utilized in the commercial where dwarf versions of all four players in matching costumes which I found a bit more vulgar. Some thought the ad was amusing. I personally thought it was just another step down in a recent wave of low maneuvers the remnants of Kiss have exercised to keep the coffers full.

Thus, let this album cover serve as my tribute to such baldfaced make-a-buckery. Punk rock nasties the Dwarves notoriously combine nudity, gore, mud and yes, an actual dwarf mascot on their covers. What else might you expect from a band with song titles such as "Fuckhead," "Motherfucker," "Insect Whore" and "Let's Fuck?"

All an in-joke, assuredly, much as rock 'n roll capitalists Kiss are being defended by some to just get a life and roll with the punchlines, no matter who they offend in the process. As the Dwarves would say, fuck that...

With these blood-slicked chicks, even Gene, the king of blood squibs, might want to reconsider a love gun tryst in this instance. Meet, meet you in the laaadiiiiies rooooommmmm....
